
PTPL 080 · Why I’m Sad That Obsidian Sync Is 100% Necessary on iOS

Plus a 4-step exercise for discovering your productivity-guiding values

I’ve faced the sad fact that Obsidian Sync is essential for using the app on iOS. Plus, how to define your top 10 values that can guide everything you do.

Obsidian Sync — a Sad Necessity

After a detailed conversation on Mastodon about the lack of alternatives to Obsidian for certain key features and the unacceptable performance of iCloud on iOS, I’ve come to the conclusion that there is currently no other solution for my specific needs than Obsidian Sync.

And I’m sad about that!

I’m not sad because I now have to pay for another subscription; money is not the issue. I’m sad because I dream of living in a digitally interoperable world, and we just aren’t there yet. This really, really isn’t about looking for reasons not to pay for a good product.. It’s about being free to choose which interface I use on iOS.

I need all of the following to be true in an iOS Markdown editor:

  1. Read subfolders
  2. Display the complete names of files in the Library (file name on as many lines as it takes to display the name in its entirety)
  3. Allows the playing of transcluded audio files within documents
  4. App takes less than 1 minute to start up
  5. Syncs reliably with my other devices

And it appears that only Obsidian fits the bill. iCloud is unreliable at best, unusable at worst. And that’s not how things should be! The good news is that there’s a special on at the moment for Obsidian Sync — 5 × the storage space for life, if you sign up before January 1, 2024.

Budgeting journey update, with an Obsidian / productivity analogy

The budgeting course I mentioned buying last week surprised me by digging into the psychological depths of my relationship with money. Beliefs, both negative and positive.

Was money talked about openly in your home growing up? (No, it wasn’t seen as polite.) What’s your self-talk around money?

This week we’re supposed to turn our negative self-talk into positive affirmations. Instead of I just can’t do it!”, say something like I might not be able to do it right now, but I’m working on things that will allow me to be successful.”

I’m forcing myself to be patient and go through the process, even though all I really wanted (or thought I really wanted) was some immediate help on tracking and planning expenses. The course instructor, Kamiko, is so convinced of the importance of doing the mental housekeeping first, she’s locked the course so the modules have to be done in order! Smart move. I feel like this is giving me a foundation that’s been missing my whole life.

Can you imagine, though, if Obsidian did this? It’s kind of amusing to imagine opening the app and being faced with thought-provoking pop-ups, like —

  • Why are you really here?”
  • What are two of your underlying beliefs about productivity and note making?”
  • (Tries to hit the new note button, sees this:) Before proceeding, write three positive affirmations along the lines of, I am capable of figuring out my own note making needs’; I like to learn from other people’s systems, and I only take from them the elements that serve me’. Repeat them daily until they are part of your core belief system. You may now create a new note.”

The thing is, it’s up to us (and only us) to come up with our own set of guidelines for the productivity tools we use — or not. Although, I think that if we don’t make the conscious effort to define a personal manifesto of sorts, we run the risk of finding ourselves trapped in an ill-fitting system that never feels quite right, or of being pulled to and fro chasing the latest plugins and features, whether or not they are in harmony with what we truly value.

Your values are your guide

This past week I defined a set of 10 money values as part of my homework for the budgeting course. These are words that can guide my budgeting /spending decisions to fit within what’s most important to me. The fascinating thing is that, as I look at these ten words, they’re not about money at all. They represent core values that can also guide my forays into productivity, and any other venture.

It’s a great exercise, that goes like this:

  1. Take 5 minutes to write down as many words as you can think of to describe what’s most important to you. Write single words, phrases, ideas, anything. What guides your decisions? What are your deal breakers? What determines if you’ll go for the more expensive, or the cheaper option in a particular field?
  2. Circle the ten most important words from your list.
  3. Write those ten words in order of priority.
  4. Place the list where you can see it daily.

After doing the exercise, I came up with these value-words:

  • Faith
  • Family
  • Health
  • Freedom (independence)
  • Security (sufficient for my needs, long term)
  • Quality (value, longevity)
  • Order (priorities, neatness)
  • Education
  • Time
  • Fun

This is the first draft, so it’s likely my words (or the order of them) will change over time. If you take the time to do this exercise, I’d love to hear how it goes.

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