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How to Keep Your Wheels Turning Smoothly Despite the Automation Paradox October 4, 2024 thoughts The better machines get, the more we might struggle when they fail — but not if we perform our daily activities with foresight and intention. Looking Through Windows (From the Outside In) September 25, 2024 thoughts & curios Stolen glimpses through uncurtained windows at dusk show different normals. Live webcams of animals around the world remind me that my Now isn't the only one. Mastodon and the Fediverse — Social Media’s Brighter Future September 20, 2024 thoughts Social media as we know it is not what many people think or hope it to be. One day I hope that decentralised, Federated social interactions will be the norm. Psst — They Don't Know What You're Talking About August 27, 2024 thoughts The surprising thing about learning something new is how quickly we forget what it feels like to not know it. Accessibility matters. Dear Human, You’ve Got Mail - From Your Body September 12, 2023 thoughts Dear Synapse-Maker - I love you and I’m doing my best, but I think we have a supply and demand issue to deal with Alone in the Noise: Creating My Own Space in a Busy Household April 22, 2023 thoughts I’m a human turtle, swimming gently through the day, carrying my equilibrium with me instead of demanding that other people create it by changing their ways. Enough is a Perspective, Not a Sum March 22, 2023 thoughts Once your basic needs are met, your perception of life situations can be changed by taking a walk to see them from a different angle. Typography Tip - Use the Interpunct For Horizontal Lists June 27, 2022 thoughts Bullet points are appropriate for vertical lists, but when separating horizontal data, you need a lighter touch. You need the interpunct. Is Touch Typing Irrelevant in a Voice-to-Text World? April 6, 2022 thoughts Touch typing is a skill with benefits that go beyond speed. It can also promote efficiency, creativity, and the health of your back and neck. I Was a Task Management App Addict August 26, 2020 thoughts