The surprising thing about learning something new is how quickly we forget what it feels like to not know it.
Assumed knowledge is everywhere, and that’s okay, until it isn’t! Until you want to learn something that requires a foundational knowledge you don’t possess, but which most tutorials assume you do.
That’s what happened with me when looking at the command line, until Johnny Decimal took the time to explain it from scratch.
My aim now is to make the things I write accessible to people like I was; interested in the topic, but missing the entry point. I’m optimistic that this website will help, as I plan to build up a list of resources that cover the basics. No re-inventing the wheel, just definitions, links, and explanations as I feel the need to make them, tucked away and linked to as needed.
Text of the comic above reads: “Silicate chemistry is second nature to us geochemists, so it’s easy to forget that the average person probably only knows the formulas for olivine and one or two feldspars.” “—And quartz, of course.” “—Of course”. Text at the bottom reads: Even when they’re trying to compensate for it, experts in anything wildly overestimate the average person’s familiarity with their field 🔗