

beige square with white horizontal lines of varying lengths on it, sitting on a white background to the left of heavy weight text that reads Plain text. Paper, less.

The Concept

PTPL stands for Plain Text; Paper, Less. It’s a reflection of my philosophy that important digital information should always be stored in plain text, and that using less paper in an intentional, sustainable way is better than being paperless”.

I encourage the intentional use of the tools before us, both digital and analog. You don’t get a medal for being paperless, but it’s worth considering using less paper when digital tools can do the job better (and vice versa).

The Newsletter

Back in May 2022 I started writing a weekly missive to share my enthusiasm for productivity and plain text. It’s called the Plain Text; Paper, Less Productivity Digest. I can see myself continuing to write on the topic until I run out of things to say, or until episode 999 — whichever comes first.

Past and present issues live here.

Early PTPLs reflect where I was at that time and are in many cases not where I’m at today. I keep them around as a record of where I’ve been, and of the thinking that led to where I am today.

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The Themes

There are common themes running through PTPL issues. I’m bookmarking this space to document these themes, and list the issue numbers that relate to them.

  • Mental health
  • Procrastination
  • Plain text accounting
  • Backups
  • Files over apps
  • Task management
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