
PTPL 113 · Some Free Tools Cost Too Much

Put these features in order of importance and you’ll know what to do

This week I discuss free versus paid apps, how every option comes with a burden to bear — generally a feature limitation or a monetary cost — and how to decide which one is right for you. Learning the Command Line: I’m finally able to use hledger at a basic level!

Should every tool be free?

Here’s a question for you: should every software tool be free? What about every feature of tools that have a freemium model — should those ideally be free, too?

I started thinking about this (again) after reading Michael Swengels recent piece (Medium article) on how frustrated he is with Obsidian at the moment. So disappointed with how poorly it performs on his iPhone (where using iCloud isn’t optional), in fact, he’s contemplating returning to Notion.

I get it, Michael, truly! Before paying for Obsidian’s Sync service I felt the same. The pain is real. But I’m not writing this to convince you or anyone else to add yet another subscription to your life. The following thoughts are intended to promote thoughtful, intentional, informed use of text-themed note-making tools.

When you’re clear on what you value most, frustration disappears. Every option comes with a burden to bear — generally a feature limitation or a monetary cost. You just need to decide which one makes the most sense, given your current preferences and economic situation, to shoulder.

The simplest text tools will always be free

Every vaguely up to date device today has access to a free tool for recording text. Good old plain text! You can have as many files as you like on one device. If you’re into org-mode or have some coding prowess, you may even be able to do magic with your files without spending a cent.

Linking, syncing to your preferred devices, version control, sharing (and other bits of cleverness), however, always come at a cost.

What are you willing to pay?

Here are some of the costs I’ve seen associated with some note-making apps.

  1. Lock-in: The app is free, but proprietary features and formats mean you can’t work with your data in the same way, anywhere else
  2. Sync: The app is free, but you have to pay to easily and reliably access your work on other devices
  3. Features: Your files are in your control and sync works, but you’re hankering after more ways to work with your text
  4. Learning curve: You’ve been told there are ways to do everything you want to do, but you’re not willing to enter that world just yet
  5. Money: You can probably have it all if you’re willing to pay (and keep paying) for it

Put these priorities in order and you’ll know what to do

The solution is simple, but often not easy. So, what’s most important to you? Find out what you need most in a note-making app by placing the following in order of priority.

  • Local-first, self-owned data
  • Linking between files
  • Easy import from / export to other sources and formats
  • Offline access
  • Reliable sync between all devices
  • Small learning curve, no technical knowledge required
  • Free
  • Database features
  • Attractive UI
  • Task management and/or reminders that integrate with your devices
  • Artificial Intelligence integrations

When free is at the top of your list, you’ll put up with the drawbacks of free tools. If having specific features available on all your devices is number one, you’ll cut back in another area to be able to afford the subscription (or the learning time) needed to make it happen.

Every option comes with a burden to bear — generally a feature limitation or a monetary cost. You just need to decide which one makes the most sense, given your current preferences and economic situation, to shoulder.

As Mike Schmitz says, What job did you hire this app to do? (Podcast). Perhaps everything you’re hiring for can be done in one app, but it’s more likely you’ll need several.

Learning the Command Line — Update

Johnny Decimal is teaching me the command line. He welcomes input from those already familiar with it on the way he’s demystifying this baffling super power, so feel free to join in the conversation on the Fediverse.

I’ve had my first plain text accounting success with hledger! After installing it I had a look around, and (after some false starts) finally got a working document. I can’t tell you how pleased I am to be making progress on this!

Each time I’ve tried this before I’d get discouraged when the simple” help files weren’t simple enough. Having Johnny as a guide to help me through the difficulties is making all the difference.

So far I have the entries for two bank accounts entered in plain text for June and July, and everything balances to the cent! Woo-hoo!! Next: learn how to generate some basic reports to filter the information into usable chunks.

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Up next PTPL 112 · Organise Your Stuff— Alternatives to Bartender and Hazel PTPL 114 · Obsidian, Silver Bullet, and Org-Mode—3 Different Approaches to Working With Notes
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